Common Repairs on Range Rover Steering and Suspension Systems

Automobile Vibration -Desert OasisTwo of the hallmark features (and notorious repairs) of the famed Range Rover are its unique steering and suspension systems.

The steering system helps the driver use headlights, windshield washers, the horn, the ignition switch, the cruise control, and the radio.

The suspension system’s design gives the driver a comfortable ride. In a suspension system, the most important parts are the axles, the wheels, and the braking system.

Range Rover drivers share certain complaints about these steering and suspension systems.  Let’s take a closer look at these issues:

Electronic Steering Motor Failure

First, drivers of Ranger Rovers are saying that the electronic motor doesn’t operate the right way. Many of the electric motor problems occur between the steering column and the steering box. Drivers say the tilt adjusting steering wheel column locks in the Up or Down mode.

For example, the driver presses a button to tilt the steering wheel and it traps the driver’s leg. Simply put, the steering wheel does not stop the correct way. When the steering motor fails, drivers have difficulty steering and stiff steering.

Suspension Systems Failure Issues

Drivers say air suspension springs wear out or develop slow leaks over time. Air springs allow air to enter and exit the suspension system. A computer operates Rover’s air springs. The air bag looks like a rubber canister and it sits by the tire under the vehicle. Rover air springs deteriorate when the truck drives across rocks, potholes or other debris. Springs fail if moisture is present and they may rot. These problems occur more frequently in late model Range Rovers.

Similarly, air suspension compressors fail in the Range Rover. The air compressor is a small cylinder device located next to the air suspension dryer and the valve block. The air compressor forces the correct amount of air in to the suspension system. However, a compressor will break down due to leaks in the air struts or the air springs. When water enters the air compressor system, the electrical compression system parts can fail.

Moreover, the air suspension valve block is a small box-like device that is under the engine’s cover. Range Rovers have five solenoid valves on top of the valve block. A new valve block costs about $800.00 and a rebuilt valve block costs about $300.00.

The valve blocks will fail if there are leaks or loose air hose connections. On the other hand, weak seals, the exterior valve block, the pressure switch, the pressure relief valve and the diaphragm valve can spur valve block failure. Loose bolts also stop this valve from working.

Finally, the air suspension dryer is a small cylinder-like device that is next to the compressor and the valve block. Range Rovers have at least six different types of air dryers for the suspension system. The dryers remove water and moisture from the air suspension system. However, if water accumulates in the air suspension dryer, it will break down. This causes other air suspension parts to corrode or malfunction.

If you suspect your Range Rover may have steering or air suspension malfunctions, bring it to Desert Oasis European Auto Service & Repair.   We provide excellent service and repairs on Range Rovers and make sure you understand exactly what repairs are being done, and why.

Save $10.00 when you schedule your appointment online!

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